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Best Practices Foundation innovates with the poor to develop new solutions that address real needs on the ground. To this end, we partner with corporate organisations committed to positive social outreach through livelihood, gender and governance related CSR initiatives that promote sustainability of livelihoods, the environment and society as a whole.

BPF currently offers corporates seeking to invest in communities the following:

Needs assessments to advise corporates on potential CSR investments

BPF possesses a strong track record in needs assessments, impact assessments and evaluations that help corporates assess where and what type of initiatives to invest in and which civil society partners best aligns with their goals.

Design of monitoring and evaluation systems

Once a corp initiates projects, BPF can design the MIS and train partners on reporting progress. This enables greater rigour in reporting and allows the organisation to assess and publicise its progress at regular intervals.

Impact assessments and evaluations of existing CSR initiatives

BPF’s evaluation expertise is based on meticulous research methods and quantitative analytical skills that provide a detailed perspective of gaps in implementation and strategies. BPF has conducted appraisals and evaluations of NGO, government and development programmes in and outside India.

Direct investment in livelihoods for the poor

BPF’s award-winning MOVE livelihood model imparts market-focussed business education that enables landless, illiterate individuals to become successful entrepreneurs. It is a sustainable, replicable and scalable model that has been tailored to meet the needs of a wide range of typically excluded populations (rural and urban groups, women, youth and sexual minorities) across sectors (service / production), scales of operation and markets (urban, niche markets / rural) across states over the past decade. BPF also draws from its documentation expertise to create toolkits and manuals that facilitate further adaption, replication and implementation of the model.

Should your organisation seek to partner with an NGO for either or both of the above, please contact us.